march vibes forecast
Clair(andean) is a movement instructor at GOODBODYFEEL studio based here in Hamilton. They provide mindfulness practices to facilitate mind body connection. These practices exploring, queer identity, compassion and self-healing.
Cards Pulled: Four of Swords
Month: March
Themes: Rest, retreat, recharge, reflect
Last month we used the voice to create change and bring awareness to issues that have long been ignored. We used the voice to empower ourselves and to share that power with others. We have come to understand that the voice is also a whisper even when it quivers; that it can be small and still have impact. We also used that VOICE in a number of ways examples being in personal adornment, photos, writing with a pen and/or social media.
We have found that a few words of encouragement and compassion can go a long way providing new paths of tolerance and coming together with others; speaking to our right to be here and to further dismantle the powers that oppress us. We learned that it doesn’t take much but it takes commitment, patience and immediate action.
With all the things happening in the world, urgency is necessary but without integrating periods of rest we will burn out. The ability to rest is a lifelong process of unlearning the myth of laziness and learning that restoration is at hand and doesn’t cost a thing but needed and deserved. If no one has ever told you, you do deserve some down time. We are a society that knows how to work hard already. We know that high productivity is demanded but often at the expense of other areas of our life.
I encourage rest and to be with others who support your recharge and restoration. Ask yourself what do I need to restore myself? List it, post it in a place you can see regularly. Where are those pockets in the day you can time out for at least five minutes? There is definitely a struggle to rest and restore for each individual whether it is because of limited time, marginalization, etc. I get it. I suggest that you do not make this quest a space to scold yourself for not doing it right or for struggling with it. Catch those moments where you are down on yourself for the inability to shut off. Meet it with compassion. It might go something like: ‘I know you are having a hard time shutting off, but I know you are trying and thanks for doing that.’
As a society we have been conditioned out of downtime but our nerves are often frayed. Here are some suggestions that may help:
Time away from responsibilities: this can be anything from a couple of hours to an entire weekend. Delegating tasks, taking turns, etc.
Time away from social media: We could be just scrolling, which I enjoy admittedly but it is not real rest, the subconscious is still working taking in images and creating narratives about the images that we see.
Connection to nature: take a hike, sit in a park, make a greenhouse date with a friend.
Stillness to unwind: if stillness is not that accessible and a bit frustrating to implement, try some movement first. I find stillness is a lot more accessible when I have moved my body in some way like walking.
Cuddling: with a special someone, whether it be a lover, a platonic friend, a pet, your child, etc, it could be your stuff animal or pillow.
As I wish many acquaintances and friends, I wish you deep rest. DEEP REST not only for our recharge but when we show up to be with other humans we are more present. Suffering is real in the world and we need ways to sustainably be there with each other which can be rooted in intentional rest.