Goodbodyfeel Teacher Training Program FAQs

Wait, what kind of training is this?

It is a mindful movement exploration. Inspired by the multitude of trainings that Robin has attended. It's yoga. It's Pilates. It's mobility. It's an inquiry into how our body can move, how strong we can feel, how graceful we are, and how transformative it can be when we make movement and self-care R I T U A L. In addition to the in-depth breakdowns of movements and poses, we will learn anatomy of movement, physiology of movement, physiology of stress, rehab/pre-hab movements, mindfulness meditation in stillness and in motion, community and collaboration, all through a diverse and de-colonized lens.

What if i miss a weekend?

No big! We get it. Life happens. Big events land on the same day. It's all good! We don't want life events to hold you back from self-inquiry through movement. Included in the training are 4 one-on-one sessions. During this check-in, we can go over any materials missed. If additional time is needed, you can book a private ($100/hr). You can make up the hours missed through classes and workshops with approved instructors. There is also a potential opportunity to audit the weekend you missed in future offerings of the training. If you know you'll be missing 3+ full weekends, timing is probably not right and we should wait until timing better aligns.

How does the payment plan work?

After paying your $500 non-refundable deposit, you let us know how much you can afford to pay monthly and we'll set it up! Ideally, you'll have paid off your tuition within our 9 months together. If not, we'll make it work! We want this program to be accessible and we want you to be committed to this journey. We're happy to find the happy balance and work with you wherever you are.

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