Sharing Privilege.
Sharing Privilege can happen online or in person for your staff, team or community at large. It is also offered as a self-directed online course, online in real-time or in person.
Illustration by Phoebe Taylor
The body is political. We, as individuals and as a greater collective, are responsible for creating cultures of compassion and safer spaces. This requires awareness, continuous action and a commitment to sharing.
Diversity, inclusion and belonging (anti-oppression work) should be at the core of every community, every space and every business. It is important that all individuals, especially those that lead groups of people, have some awareness around anti-oppression efforts.
Diversity, inclusion and sense of belonging don’t just happen automatically or exist because one announces its intention. Saying or believing that “all people are welcome” doesn’t result in all people FEELING welcome. It is important that our actions and behaviours, both as individuals and as communities, create a culture of compassion and active inclusion, that can be seen and palpably felt. This work starts with acknowledging one’s own privilege, becoming aware of settler colonialism, systematic oppression, internalized oppression and their ranging impacts on various demographics.
Throughout this journey together we will define terms, acknowledge our personal experience and impact, explore how we can decolonize our behaviours and identify ways we can sustainably share our individual privilege. The end goal is to create safer spaces and experiences by intentionally sharing more access and abundance to more people - especially the groups of people that are often left out of the conversation or are under-represented in the wellness world, art world, media, policy making, and and and.
This work is an on-going, ever evolving conversation. This online course is a dew drop in the vast ocean of identity politics and anti-oppression. There is no pretty packaged parcel that guarantees an offence-free, trigger-free, perfect outcome. Instead, what we all should strive for in anti-oppression work is earnest effort, attuned listening skills, ability to receive feedback, accountability and mindful response.
Here. We. Go.
How We Share
Partial proceeds from this course will be shared quarterly to organizations and movements dedicated to anti-racism and decolonization.
We’ve shared with Hamilton Centre for Civic Inclusion, Black Legal Action Centre and educator and activist Rachel Ricketts.
Click “Take the Course” button below.
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1-2 days after registering, you will receive a Welcome email with course access details.
* Video lectures (2 month access)
* Digital workbook
* Resources from other educators
* Reflection questions